
Kepserverex enable pass through
Kepserverex enable pass through

Once auto-login is enabled, you have to manually enter username and password of your account only during the first login and an user account in OpManager will be created automatically. If you do not want to manually create user account for all the users in your domain, enable auto-login for the domain (Admin → User Manager → Windows Domains). Note: Pass-through authentication will work only for the active directory users already been added to OpManager. Click here to know how you can add new users. User accounts to whom you want to enable pass-through must have been already available in OpManager. Creating necessary user accounts in OpManager.Click here to know how to add a domain under Active Directory authentication in OpManager.

kepserverex enable pass through kepserverex enable pass through

Configuring Active Directory authenticationĪctive directory authentication must have been configured in OpManager for the domain you want enable Pass-through Authentication.You would not need to manually enter your windows credential to log-in to OpManager webclient. Pass-through authentication (Single Sign-on) provides the ability to authenticate yourself automatically in OpManager using your currently logged in windows system username and password.

Kepserverex enable pass through