
Myst iv revelation
Myst iv revelation

Living-room and kitchen "LR" on other side of water across, then across water to the left Yeesha's room, "YR". The one in the middle (work-room, "WR", holds the heatable bull-eyed greenery, - and the electricity-box. Three round pavillons, in one with banana-tree(?) you can climb down a ladder and see the family-tree in D'Ini writing (better revisit after you fixed electricity / power).

myst iv revelation

Take the elevator (note the symbole for elevator (round dot up) down (only one floor at the moment) to main level. Note the map of the "home"-world at the wall of EA. Yeesha takes you to the entrance area ("EA"), of what I call "home, you meet Atrus there, who leaves after the power break-down. Hit the swtich goto the top look at the circle and take a picture of the colors, your done. | Submitted by Catherine Goto the tubes and push the container between to the leftĪfter explotion goto where the rock was and your on the elevator. Goto the switch on the right turn it to the keyhole figure Set the 3 switch in this order as fast as you can (wait for the crystal the shack in the middle before attempting the next one) Once down set gears to 4 3 7 (the setting that its in is considered 1 so pull the gear down 3 2 6 if Go back down go in the ship and go across

myst iv revelation myst iv revelation

Go up to the other one and set it to 2 lights This is a complete walkthrough for spire, the fastest way to do it without explaining how i figured it out. Numbering the fields on the incomplete "chess-board" starting at the bottom far left corner, left to right = 1 to 8, then next row 9 to 16 etc. You find an incomplete "chess-board" in the fireplace-elevator, which will take you down to the two books:

Myst iv revelation